Journal article mastery requires a formula
Do you ever wonder why the same people are prolific publishers and other struggle with repeated rejection and take an age to produce a single piece of work?
There are of course many structural reasons, but I am not talking about inequality here or difference in workload, rather the difference of opportunity to be trained into the FORMULA. Being mentored into the craft of writing successfully for journals has all but died out under the increasing pressure felt by everyone in HE. Those in the know have no time to mentor unless you are really exceptionally fortunate.
The real reason some people publish with relative ease and some struggle is that they have learned THE FORMULA on way or another. There is a formula for all journal articles, regardless of discipline. The content may be different, and even within disciplines there are slight variations between journals, but the formula - the underlying rules and expectations - remains exactly the same. Learning this formula is crucial for academic success whether we agree with the metrics of measurement or not, this is our reality.
To help you crack this code I want to share part of this formula with you here. You can find the formula for writing introductions to journal papers here - it is FREE
But there is a formula for everything else too. The link passages, the conclusions, the abstract, how you edit you paper for impactful, non waffle filled text, how you pull your argument to the front, how you maintain your authorial voice, how you substantiate your claims and make a contribution, how you understand reviewer feedback and respond to it successfully, and many other elements are completely formulaic. Together with lots of basic writing advice - like the proper use of grammar, and what constitutes a good paragraph structure - the formula can be learned and reproduced over and over again.
Without the formula, you can of course publish. But it is like throwing darts at a dartboard with a blindfold on - you occasionally hit the mark after alot of misses, but you have no idea how THIS paper was so much different from the other papers you have written that did not get published.
Knowing the formula enables you to hit the target every time.
If you would like to work with me to perfect this craft once and for all, let’s talk! You can book a free consultation call with me here:
Don’t keep struggling alone. Learn it once, keep producing work with ease and mastery for the rest of your career.