Writing in a time scarce environment

It is that time of year. You feel like you are dying with overwhelm. So many administrative imperatives. You feel like you are up against it all the time.

I talk to academics every single day about their writing problems, and by far and away the greatest complaint is not enough time (or reviewer 2, which I will deal with next week!).

Time. It is my FAVOURITE writing topic and my FAVOURITE writing tool. Of all the tools I teach my clients, this one is THE game changer, but naturally, there is a lot of resistance to thinking about time differently.

To get a great writing habit, clients often think they need motivation - to rediscover it somehow, like Columbus.

As I tell everyone that comes in shouting distance, motivation is GARBAGE. Motivation is not it. What you need is momentum because motivation comes when we are already doing really great things. It comes after, not before the action of writing. Getting momentum requires a couple of things:

1. A writing habit where you have diagnosed your barriers CORRECTLY - not the ones on top of your mind, but the one's underneath.

2. A solid drafting process that frees you from the idea that BIG BLOCKS OF TME is a writing process - it is not, it is what you use in the absence of a process

3. Control of your diary: knowing HOW to effectively weaponise time.

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